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This website application has been designed to assist project managers and engineers involved with embedded system development projects, by helping to identify the most
effective hybrid project management method for their individual projects. It was created as for my MSc reseach project with the Open Unversity, more details
of which are provided here
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Application Aim |
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To create an application to guide the adaptation of a hybridised project management methodology to suit individual embedded system development projects and improve the likelihood of a successful project outcome. |
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Further information about the research project is provided here |
Introduction |
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A project management methodology is the collection of techniques and practices used to run a project, and are typically categorised as either a predictive, plan-driven method or an adaptive Agile method.
The traditional predictive methods are a somewhat rigid process, in which the requirements are gathered and a plan created up-front and then followed through to delivery.
In adaptive methods the team works closely with the customer throughout the project lifecycle, incrementally delivering and releasing working software over short cycles, to elicit feedback and
direction with the next cycle requirements.
Research has found that in-practice, organisations frequently use their own methodology, which incorporates both predictive and adaptive aspects creating a ‘hybrid’ method.
The aim of this website application is to provide a framework to guide this adaptation of a hybridised project management methodology to suit individual embedded software and system development projects
and improve the likelihood of a successful project outcome.
The framework operates by revealing the project characteristics from the answers provided by the project manager to a series of questions. This information is used to determine the
overall project complexity and volatility (categorised according to dimensions of social, knowledge and technical), and to determine the appropriate management controls required
to manage potential issues arising from the project characteristics.
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Chart of project volatility and complexity dimensions mapped to project methodologies |
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Table of project complexity and volatility dimensions mapped to over-arching project management methodology (Domain Ranking) |
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Domain Descriptions |
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Social | relating to people, their norms and cultural aspects. |
Technical | relating to systems, technologies, and the environment. |
Knowledge | relating to what is known, in the form of distributed, tacit, codified and non-codified knowledge. |
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If you have any questions or concerns, then please feel free to contact us using the details provided here |
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