Help - Research

Project Title
Effective hybridisation of project management methodologies for embedded system development
Research Aim
To create a systematic process to guide the adaptation of a hybridised project management methodology to suit individual embedded system development projects and improve the likelihood of a successful project outcome.
Research Ethics
The research will comply with the Open University’s research ethical guidelines. In particular: your participation is entirely voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time; no personal information will be collected or retained (other than your email address required to login to the website, but this is solely used by the website for this purpose, and will not appear in any documentation or reports. If you consent to the use of your answers for purpose of academic research, this information shall only be used for the compilation of this research project dissertation, and your answers will be anonymised in any academic report or article based on this research.
The final dissertation, and any related publication, will be made available to you all, and I hope it will be of value to your software project management.
Thank-you very much for any comments you might have.
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