
Site Privacy Statement
We respect the privacy of every person who visits or registers with this website or who uses the services made available from this website, and we are committed to ensuring a safe online experience.
This website uses technologies such as cookies to collect data from your browser solely for the purpose of supporting the Predictive Agility application, enabling you to move around the site and use some of its features (such as enabling your project name to be recorded as you move from one page to another during the analysis of your project.)
This information is only recorded for the legitimate use of the website, and where you have consented for the information to be collected by your use of the website.
The information is not used for advertising or social media features, and is not passed on to any third parties for purposes of advertising or sales.
Additional information about the cookies used on this website is provided here
The Predictive Agility application has been created as a research project to provide guidelines for the design of a project management method for each individual embedded system development project, but we cannot warrant the correctness of the approach. The research is on-going, and any feedback you would like to provide would be greatly appreciated. See here for more information about the research.
If you have any questions or concerns, then please feel free to contact us using the details provided here