Site Cookies Statement
A cookie is a small bit of text that accompanies the requests sent from the web browser to the server, and the web page responses sent from the web server back to the browser. Web pages are ‘stateless’, and hence cookies are required to remember information as the user moves from one page to another on the website, and prevent the need to re-enter this information for each new page visited.
This website uses technologies such as cookies to collect data from your browser solely for the purpose of supporting the Predictive Agility application, enabling you to move around the site and use some of its features (such as enabling your project name to be recorded as you move from one page to another during the analysis of your project.)
The cookies used on this website are:
CookieBusinessCookie NameDescription
ASP.NETSession CookieASP.NET_SessionId Allows the website to save your session state across different pages. For example, after you have entered your project name, the website will remember that name and will not ask you to enter it again as you progress through the project analysis pages on the website.
Function: This is a session cookie and will be destroyed when you close your browser. This cookie is essential for our website to function.
ASP.NETSession cookie/td>.AspNet.ApplicationCookie Used for authentication. This cookie informs the web server of the identity of the logged in user, and is sent with each subsequent request made from the browser to the server after the user has logged into the website.
__AntiXsrfTokenSession cookie__AntiXsrfToken This cookie is used to prevent Cross-site request forgery (often abbreviated as CSRF) attacks on the website. CSRF attacks exploit the trust that a site has in a user's browser.
This website was created using Microsoft™ technologies. See the website here for further information published by Microsoft™ about cookies used by websites created using their technologies.
Additional information about our privacy policy is provided here
If you have any questions or concerns, then please feel free to contact us using the details provided here